Student Behaviour Policy

Policy Statement


This Student Behaviour Code of Conduct outlines the positive behaviour it expects from students. It also provides information about specific laws in the UK. The aim is to provide guidance in key areas of OES’s expectations. The guidance is written for the benefit of students, parents /agents, staff and homestays.

We would like all students to enjoy their time in the UK and achieve great success at school/college. Good behaviour and self-discipline could affect learning and are vital for them during students' education within and out of school. In order for students to have a better start in their new environment, Oxford Education and Service Ltd will provide an induction for all students before starting their education studies in the UK. It includes British cultures, the school regulations/ displication in general and how to behave themselves and so on. Here are some aspects that students could be aware of while they are in the UK.

Behaviour and conduct when staying with a Homestay

OES expects all of our students to be polite and courteous when staying with a homestay. In the UK, it is expected that you say “please” and “thank you” when asking for and receiving items. Your homestay is not a hotel and the expectation is that you will be included as part of the family. As such, you will be expected to engage with family members, joining them at mealtimes, and possibly helping with chores such as laying the table. Your homestay will explain their own house rules with you when you arrive. Please do ask them if you have any questions.

Curfew arrangements

Students who have permission to go out on their own will be required to return to homestays by the following times:

  • Age sunder 14, 7 pm

  • Age 15 -16, weekday 9 pm. weekend 10

  • Age above16, weekday 10pm, weekend 11 pm

All students who are permitted to go out unaccompanied by their homestay must take their mobile phone (fully charged) with them and keep this switched on. It is important that if students do go out unaccompanied, that they let the homestay know where they are going and roughly how long they will be out. If for any reason they are delayed, students must contact the homestay to inform them.

OES suggests that students be quiet after 11 pm. Although students are on holiday,the members of the homestay may still need to work during the time of their stay.

Use of the kitchen area

Most homestays will prepare meals for you (breakfast, lunch and dinner). You may want to help the family in their meal preparations or cook something yourself.Please do talk to your homestay about this and they will advise you how to use the kitchen and the necessary safety rules. If you have food that you wish to eat during your stay, please let your homestay know so that this can be stored safely (for instance in a fridge if required). You will be able to access drinks and snacks throughout the day, such as fruit or biscuits. Your homestay will explain how you can access these.

Use of the bathroom

Students are asked to be respectful of the family routines. If you are sharing a bathroom, please be considerate with the time taken to shower and bathe as others may need to use the facility. Please leave bathrooms tidy. Some families may have limits on the amount of hot water available each day due to their boiler capacity. Please discuss the best times for showering or taking a bath.It is not usually necessary to shower or bathe more than once a day. Please ensure that you lock the door of the bathroom when in use and ensure that you are suitably clothed when travelling to and from the bathroom.

Use of the Wi-Fi / access to the home computer

Please discuss Wi-Fi access with your homestay. Some families have packages where they have a limit on the data they may use in a month; therefore streaming films for example would be inappropriate. Please note that homestays may have filters on their internet and may use parental controls to prevent access of inappropriate sites. Some homestays may turn off the Wi-Fi at bedtime. Students should use their own devices rather than the family’s home computer.

Laws regarding the consumption of alcohol

OES does not permit their students to consume alcohol whilst under their care, including  when they are staying at a homestay. In the UK it is illegal for people under18 to buy alcohol in a pub, off-licence, shop or elsewhere. In most cases, it is against the law for anyone to buy alcohol for someone under 18 to drink in a pub or a public place.

Laws regarding the use of drugs and illegal substances

OES prohibits students from using recreational drugs and illegal substances whilst in their care. In the UK you can get a fine or prison sentence if you:

  • take drugs

  • carry drugs

  • make drugs

  • sell, deal or share drugs (also called ‘supplying’ them)

If you are under 18, the police are allowed to tell your parent, guardian or carer that you’ve been caught with drugs.

Laws regarding smoking

OES prohibits students from smoking whilst in their care. In the UK, it is illegal to buy cigarettes if you are under the age of 18.

Laws regarding sexual activity

OES prohibits students from engaging in sexual activity whilst in their care, even if they are over the age of consent. In the UK the age of consent is 16. That means that it is illegal to have sex with someone under the age of 16.

Laws regarding tattoos and body piercings

OES prohibits students from having a tattoo or body piercing whilst in their care.In the UK, it is illegal to tattoo a young person under the age of 18, even if they have parental consent. There is no legal age of consent for body piercing,and so it is legal for someone under the age of 18 to have a piercing as long as they have consented to it. Children under the age of 16 cannot legally consent to a genital (or in the case of girls, nipple) piercing, as it's considered to be indecent assault.

Arrangements when Students wish to stay away from the homestay.

While staying with your homestay you are not allowed to stay away from the homestay  unless permission has been given by OES.

Actions to be followed by staff once a pupil misbehaves

At Oxford Education Service Ltd, we expect all students to comply with school discipline rules and obey the UK laws. In general, they have a good manner while they are staying in the UK. We will take the following steps if they are misbehaving:

Step One - If a student violates school regulations and discipline rules or misbehaves at host family

  • Contact he/she to give a warning and ask the student not to commit again

  • Inform parents, and work together with them to supervise student behavior

  • If a student has damaged the property of the school, we will tell the student a punishment is given by school, which can be a detention.  We will contact and inform parents about the incident and compensation if it is required from school.

  • If a student has damaged the property of the host family, we will ask the host to provide evidence(photo/video) and a quotation of a replacement or of fixing it, then to discuss whether repair or compensation. 

Step Two - If an inappropriate behaviour is getting any further or make the same mistake repeatedly in school

  • Contact the student and explain the importance of compliance with school discipline rules. If they keep misbehaving, a detention will be given which is a common punishment from school.  It could result in a more serious punishment  such as a suspension.Also, if the misbehavior continues, as a consequence, they may face a risk of expelling from school.

  • Request the school to intervene as they could meet the student on a daily basis. Therefore, they could restrain the student more effectively. The meeting with school could be arranged if necessary

  • Inform parents and notify the current situation

  • If an inappropriate behaviour is happening outside of school or more seriously, we will contact local authorities, such as MASH or the police. 

Our company aims to work for the best interests of our students. We will keep written records for all incidents and keep them confidential. We will review them for training purposes and use them for improving the quality of our services.


We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed on:…11/12/2020…………………………(date)

Signed: ….202103260852199912.jpg……………………………………………………………………
