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Oxford Education and Service focuses on providing a quality care and professional guardianship service to international students. With nearly two decades of experiences, we understand what a student needs to successfully adapt into the british schools and succeed in their studies. We are proud of oureselves receiving gold standard service award by AEGIS.

Our mission is to safeguard and promote children's well-being also helping them achieve what they want to achieve in their education.


Guardianship Services

All boarding schools in the UK require a UK based educational guardian for their international students if their parents are not in the UK. We act like a parent to take the responsibility to look after your child while they are out of school during the term time to ensure their safety and to deal with their daily matters such as give permission for your child to take a day off.

  • Providing the school / studnet 24/7 Emergency Contacts

  • Making travel arrangements for your child

  • Arranging homestay's for your child during the school holiday or illness

  • Managing school emails and reporting to the parents

  • Report your child’s academic progress

  • Customer Review

    The staff can always get back to us promptly when we contact them. In addition, they always communicate with my daughter and us in time if they receive the school emails regarding the matters related to my daughter. Furthermore, they can give some advice/suggestions to my daughter if she asks for help, including the academic parts. At last, they can always consider the problems from the prespectives of the parents and my daughter.

    Evangeline's mother, Dauntsey's School

    My son, Tony, was under OES guardianship for 6 years. OES not only provide care to Tony but also provide guidance to his studies. They helped Tony to make plan and provide advice for his university application. We really appreciate their help; Tony eventually got the offer to study Economics in UCL.

    Tony’s mother, Bromsgrove School

    OES staff is very professional and knowledgeable. What impressed me the most is that during the pandemics, when there are limited homestays available, they could still provide a suitable homestay for my child and kept me updated about my child’s health, which provided reassurance to me. This is the third year to be with them. I trust them well and appreciate their supports.

    Thomas’s mother, Abingdon School

    My daughter has been with OES since she was 10 years old. They provide great supports to my daughter and help her adapts to the new environment. They celebrate her birthday every year. Under their care, my daughter has grown to be a polite and confident young lady. I really appreciate their efforts!

    Grace’s mother, parent, King’s High School Warwick

    OES puts student’s safety in the first place. My daughter travels frequently. When they arrange transfers for my daughter, they make sure the driver is qualified to carry children. They would monitor the whole journey and ensure my child arrived safely. The way they work makes me feel assured because I know my daughter is in good care. I highly recommend them.

    Shiya’s mother, Rendcomb College

    I have come to the UK since I was 15 years old. With OES’ help, I received the offer from a top rank school (Westminster School). Until now I still keep good relationships with OES staff. They continue supporting me and encouraging me when I seek for advices during my further education.

    Chris, Westminster School & Cambridge & Imperial College

    I studied IGCSE course in Oxford city where the head office of OES is. This advantage allows me to reach my guardian easily and communicate with them face to face. They also come and visit me many times in a term. They would organise activities and gatherings so that I can meet different students from different schools and share their experiences. I had a good time in my first year in Oxford.

    Frolla , d’Overbroeck’s College Oxford